Designers had come up with a sort of space-age motormans friend that let an astronaut relieve himself without a lot of hoo-hah.
Flat on my back with my legs elevated, pressure built inexorably on my kidneys until I could hold it no longer and peed in my pants. The first American astronaut to fly, Al Shepard, had done it, so why not me? Thanks to Al urinating in his suit, designers had come up with a sort of space-age motormans friend that let an astronaut relieve himself without a lot of hoo-hah, and I felt the eerie touch of warm liquid flowing through a tube and into the collection bag around my abdomen.
这里的难点有两个:一是motormans friend的理解和翻译,二是hoo-hah的理解和翻译。
Motormans friend是集尿袋的一种婉转、幽默的说法;它一开始供公交司机使用。
美国词典Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary给出了hoo-hah如下的释义:
Hoo-hah: a state or condition of excitement, agitation, or disturbance(兴奋、不安或受到困扰的状态)
If and when we got to the Moon, we would have to be on intimate terms with what we found on and beneath the surface.
Training continued nonstop, although we werent quite sure for exactly what. We all went up to Boston for some MIT familiarization on computer guidance systems, then over to Bend, Oregon, for more intensive geology training. If and when we got to the Moon, we would have to be on intimate terms with what we found on and beneath the surface.